This site began as a personal interest project of mine. The inspiration for it largely came from I wanted to take this idea and create something specifically for New Zealand that was user friendly, kept up to date with recent data and easy for the layman to understand.
I began coding the HTML, CSS (now Bootstrap), Javascript, R and R Shiny code and processing the required sea level data using the University of Hawaii SLP64 Sea Level Processing software from my home in West Auckland in February 2019. The site went live in July 2019. I processed the data for the Extreme Tides page added in October 2021 in Python and the uTide package in MATLAB.
My experience of Tide and Sea Level data processing originally came from my role as the Tidal Officer for the Royal New Zealand Navy (RNZN) Hydrographic Office in the mid to late 1990's. In 2000 I briefly worked as a consultant to Land Information New Zealand advising on the collection, analysis and databasing of tide and sea level information when they took over stewardship of Tide and Sea Level data from the RNZN. I then had a career change and worked at Auckland International Airport Ltd running their IT Helpdesk for a couple of years before heading off to London on my OE in 2002. I only intended to be away for 6-12 months but ended up staying in London for the next 13 years running accounting and business systems for multinationals before returning to NZ at the beginning of 2015 to care full time for my terminally ill parents which I did until 2017.
I'm also a Physics graduate from the University of Auckland.
Please use the contact page to get in touch. All feedback is appreciated.