Select a start year and end year from the date slider below to see a chart of annual Mean Sea Level (MSL) for the selected period. If a end year in the future is selected, i.e. beyond which there is available observed data, then a linear (black line) and polynomial (purple line) trendline based on the selected observed data, will each show an estimate of MSL from the year which observed data ends up to the end year selected by the user. All values in the chart are Relative Sea Level (RSL), i.e. are not corrected for Vertical Land Movement (VLM).

The mean annual rate of Relative Sea Level (RSL) change for Taranaki between and is approximately mm per year with a Standard Error of +/- mm per year.

Corrected for subsidence and Vertical Land Movement (VLM) of +/- mm per year (GPS Solution: JPL14), the mean annual rate of Absolute Sea Level (ASL) change for Taranaki between and is approximately mm per year () with a Standard Error of +/- mm per year.

The mean Relative Sea Level acceleration for Taranaki between and is approximately mm/year2.

The blue line in the above chart is the annual observed Relative MSL for the selected period at Taranaki. This is given as a height above the 1966-72 Chart Datum. The intersecting black line is the linear trendline for the selected period. It's gradient is the average annual rate of MSL change who's equation is shown in the legend at the top of the chart. The intersecting purple line is the corresponding quadratic or second degree polynomial trendline for the selected period who's equation is also shown in the legend at the top of the chart. Hover over each trendline's equation to see it's coefficient of determination R2 value in the tooltip.

The light blue line is the 1995-2014 IPCC Baseline which is the average mean sea level at Taranaki for the period 1995-2014 inclusive and is 1921 mm above the 1966-72 Chart Datum. This baseline is used by the IPCC as a zero for projections and is also used by the NZ Government and Councils for planning and decision making.

The turquoise, sapphire, gold, red and dark red lines which begin at zero in 2005 and end in 2150 are the five Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSP) scenarios with medium confidence for projected sea level rise at Taranaki inclusive of VLM and are sourced from NZ SeaRise (site ID: 2743). These have been converted to heights above the 1966-72 Chart Datum by adding 1907 mm. Hover over any of the SSP scenarios to see the mean 50th percentile value (p50) in the tooltip with the 17th (p17) and 83rd (p83) percentile values given alongside in brackets.

Hover above the blue line showing annual observed Relative MSL to see individual annual MSL values in the tooltip with values corresponding to +/- one standard deviation given alongside in brackets.

You can show or hide any of the lines in the above chart by clicking on it's line segment representation in the chart legend. Please note that the blue line showing annual observed Relative MSL is actually made up of two lines with the exact same values. This is because the Google Charts API used on this site can only generate one trendline per series. Therefore to show both a linear and second degree polynomial trendline, two separate series/lines with the same data were needed. This is why there are two representations of the annual observed Relative MSL in the legend. Each with it's own associated trendline. So to show/hide the line showing annual observed Relative MSL you will need to click on both it's representations in the legend.

Please note that Mean Sea Level predicted from the facility to project the above trendlines into the future are estimates only.

Station Documentation

Data for 1920-2013 comes from the work of Paul H. Denys, R. John Beavan, John Hannah, Chris F. Pearson, Neville Palmer, Mike Denham, Sigrun Hreinsdottir and retrieved January 2020 from URL "Sea Level Rise in New Zealand: The Effect of Vertical Land Motion on Century-Long Tide Gauge Records in a Tectonically Active Region".

Data for 2014-2023 is from The Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (PSMSL) and retrieved January 2024.